I have told several people lately that I'm pretty close to becoming a vegetarian. I am just not into meat anymore. I'm not trying to be "different," take a stance against the meat business, or anything like that. To me, it's a purely psychological thing.
With each bite I take, I think about the process of making the meat patty or nugget or tube I'm consuming. And then I think about what the chicken I'm eating may have been injected with or the plastic particles the fish I'm enjoying may have ingested. The thoughts aren't pretty...and I hope they don't start to give you the same complex as I have developed... My biggest concern with becoming a straight-up vegetarian has been missing out on some forms of meat - like on-the-bone meat that is organic/grass-fed/not laced with some form of chemical substance. BUT - I may have found a solution to this concern! Much to my delight, I ran across a new diet classification that fits my current mindset completely. I can become a FLEXITARIAN! You can read more about being a flexitarian here. But to summarize the article for you - you can still eat meat, you just eat a lot less of it. According to the article, "This part-time vegetarian diet has broader appeal because it helps us balance food cravings with health and global sustainability." Love it! That's me! I want to be healthy and help the Earth. And check this: "A recent study predicted that a flexitarian diet could reduce global mortality by up to 10 percent and food-related greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70 percent. " Whoa. I can have a positive impact on both my body and the environment by just cutting back on the amount of meat I eat? That's awesome. That's something I can get behind. If you're into this - you should, too. Let's be flexitarians together!!
March 2022