Let me explain.You're not "just" your name here. You're not "just" a this or "just" a that. You ARE. To me, the word "just," used as I did above, is one of the most demeaning things we can tell ourselves, or even worse, allow others to tell us. The word "just" implies "not enough." Although we may not always feel like we are enough - we ARE - solely due to the unique beauty that we are privileged enough to carry and share as individual human beings. Wonderfully gifted and flawed all in one body. Always enough in some way, shape, or form - even if we don't think so.
Today, I got caught up in both allowing someone to say "Oh, it's JUST Augusta," and responding with, "Oh, it's JUST me." Was I disappointed in myself? Beyond words. Who was this person to say what they did...and who was I to agree? I wanted to turn around and say something really clever to redeem myself for allowing such a thing to happen...but in the professional world...clever isn't always welcome. So I remained as "just." I remained as "not enough." To the other person, and most terrifyingly, to myself. It breaks my heart to even type that out. We all know that we are more than what people see on the outside and the judgments they cast. I think we all wish we could "truly be our magnificent selves" in front of everyone we spend our time with. And we all are, to a certain extent. But I think there is always a piece of us that doesn't show for a variety of reasons...insecurity and fear of judgement probably being the leading factors. These factors are also when "just" creeps into our vocabulary. Instead of saying, "I'm a competent, creative, dynamic so and so" we say, "I'm just a so and so." Undermining everything that we know and ARE. For what? We don't want to seem like humble braggers? We don't want to make the other person feel bad? We don't want to be recognized for the good things that we are and do? Do me a favor, be kind to yourself, OK? You are not "just" you. You ARE you. You should feel pride in that. And one more favor if I could? Be kind to others. They're not "just" them. They're a human being with a beating heart, just like you. You are enough. They are enough. Don't forget that!
March 2022