I know this show is "old news" but I took a brief hiatus from it a few years back and just recently started watching it again. I'm unsure why I stopped watching it, but am kind of glad I did because I get to catch up on old seasons until the next one comes out! The show begins by focusing on a single inmate, Piper, but as the seasons advance, broadens to include story lines featuring the many different characters around her. The show is actually based on the real experience of a woman named Piper who spent a year in prison for money-laundering and wrote a book about it. One of my favorite parts of the show are flashbacks they do on each character, showing how they ended up in prison. They feature one to two flashback story lines on a different inmate in each episode, so you get to know them better over time. The flashbacks make me think about criminals in general in a slightly different way because it humanizes them. You're forced to remember they had/have real lives with real experiences and real people in them. It also forces you to think about the prison system and how things are run. Yes, these are criminals, but they are people, too. Where's the line? Should there be a line? There are currently five seasons on Netflix. If you watched before and stopped like I did, it's worth going back for. If you have never watched, let the binge begin!
August 2022