If you know me, you know cooking is something I hate to do. Seriously, I can make myself do a lot of things...but cooking is an activity I do not enjoy at all. Enter: Home Chef. A life changer and saver.
The number of meal kit delivery services out there is getting kind of overwhelming. It's hard to choose which one you would enjoy the most, while being able to afford it. I appreciated that there was a wide range of per meal pricing among the choices so that hopefully anyone who is interested in something like this can subscribe. This guide specifically was very helpful in finding what would work best for us. Our plan is weekly. Every Tuesday, we get four fresh meal kits for two delivered to us. Each meal kit normally includes a protein (meat or vegetarian/vegan) and fruit/vegetables. You get all of the ingredients you need, pre-portioned for you (this was key for me). The only thing you need to have on hand at home is olive oil. There is a recipe sheet (that is hole punched so you can keep in a binder) and usually 2-6 steps to assemble the meal. We normally choose 15-minute meals and oven ready meals, probably the ones with the least number of steps! Their meal kit selection is VAST. We have been on our subscription for probably approaching three months and we haven't eaten the same thing twice! And we've loved almost everything - of course there were a handful of misses - but that's to be expected. When you like something and have the Home Chef app, you can leave a star rating and mark the meal as a favorite. For the ones you don't like, you leave a star rating and skip the "favorite" part! Super helpful for when we're ordering kits in the future. The biggest benefits of using a meal kit delivery service have been:
Joel and I have really enjoyed Home Chef. If it were a multi-level marketing scheme - we'd be brainwashed salespeople! Neither of us mind cooking dinner now, because we know it will be simple and delicious. We get promo offers once in a while. If you are interested in trying Home Chef, reach out, I'd be happy to share the info when we get it!
August 2022