Wander with me.
"We need more rambling, daydreaming, thinking, pausing, being, looking, existing, allowing, ambling, opening, listening, because it teaches us what we're capable of." - The Wander Society, Keri Smith My head is always full of ideas. That's why I started my blog. It was a way for me to sort and share my thoughts, for myself as a diary of sorts, and for others if they were interested in reading.
I've loved doing it. I'm not always as consistent as I'd like to be, but I don't like posts to be forced. I need to feel inspired. This is a hobby I want to enjoy. The only one holding me to a timeline or deadline is me. As the blog has grown, I feel that the topics I most regularly write about and feel most comfortable with have to do with internal dialogue I'm working out. Experiences I'm going through in real time. Thoughts I'm pondering. Ideals I'm uncovering to be pieces of my true nature. Things that a lot of people would find uncomfortable to share have turned out to be what I enjoy talking about most. This leads me to introduce this new page: Wandering Wren. I recently purchased a new book called The Wander Society by Keri Smith. It immediately lit me up inside. Ideas started flooding into my head about how I could add more substance to my social media page and to the blog by exploring the concept of wandering. Adding more substance specifically to my social media posts is something I've been craving to do, but wasn't sure how to approach it without being "preachy." By exploring this concept starting from the beginning, I see a way to walk side-by-side with those who may want to do it right along with me. I read some of the book passages to Joel and told him it felt like I was reading my thoughts organized in a much better way than I could ever express. I felt connected to something bigger than me, the concept itself, and to others who live(d) in the world of the wanderer, including some of my thought leader heroes - Henry David Thoreau being at the top of that list. Yogis are my peeps - but I discovered that wanderers are, too. There is a lot of overlap in philosophies, so it makes total sense why both of these worlds seem fitting for me. So here's what I'm thinking. I'm just beginning to read The Wander Society. As I work my way through, I plan to come here and share my thoughts (because I'm expecting fireworks of inspiring reflections to fire off throughout that I'll need to write down in order to process). It will be a play-by-play book review combined with my experiences putting the principles into action. I feel moved to document the process because 1) I think there are others out there that might fall in love with this idea as I did - they just don't know about it yet; and 2) the book encourages wanderers to document their experiences to bring them into the moment as well as to allow them to reflect afterwards. If you feel like going on this journey as well, I welcome you to wander with me. I'm very excited to have a structured exploration guidebook at my fingertips, and can't wait to see what unstructured ideas and ways of living it leads to.